DIY Inspiration
Last weekend I took a break from the list of DIY projects to watch someone else make something. We headed down to Albuquerque to experience the Albuquerque Mini Maker Faire. After several years of reading Make: magazine it was time to attend a gathering of this very geeky tribe. Up until we arrived I was unsure of whether the Maker Faire would be worth the hassle of loading up the family for a two-hour round trip. Well, I think we've found our people.
The Abq. Mini Maker Faire had DIY delights ranging from a robotic frisbee flinger and hands-on goat milking to led-embedded fabrics and more 3D printers than you could shake a stick at. While The Hand Of Man had so many practical applications (car crunching to car tossing) I was drawn to the elegant simplicity of a backyard trebuchet flinging water jugs. We roamed booth to booth taking in the displays and putting our hands on the hands-on activities.
Was Mini Maker Faire worth a day-trip? Yes, and now I want to see a full Maker Faire and build a CNC mill and a trebuchet and...
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