Put on your party clothes and grab some beads folks, it's carnival time! Specifically, Carnival of the Green. This is a traveling blog show filled with links about green living, sustainability and whatever else is floating about the 'green blogosphere'. Scroll down, you may find some tips you like, environmental issues, or a discussion you want to join in. Oh, thanks for visiting EcoDaddyo.com where we blather on about practical ideas for sustainable living in the American Southwest!
SnowCode.org wonders Can the Vancouver Winter Olympics be Carbon Neutral?
Meredith at Building-Character.net discusses some of the trade-off's she'll have to make when moving forward to "Green Certify" the addition on her home.
Erin at The Conscious Shopper posts a challenge to calculate your carbon footprint and provides links to several popular calculators.
Mary Jones presents Top 10 Myths About Swine Flu That Just Won’t Die posted at Pharmacy Technician Certification.
Jourdan Henderson asks Do you have a fruit tree? at Green Justice.
Beth Terry posts Under Four Pounds of Plastic Waste in 2009 Leads to 2010 Resolutions at her blog Fake Plastic Fish (Living life with less plastic!).
Mrs. Green posts 11 reuse ideas for coffee grounds at My Zero Waste AND Price vs principles - 6 tips for eating organic on a budget at Little Green Blog.
Elena presents 4 Eco-Tips For A Wonderful New Year suggesting let's do more reusing and less consuming in the new year.
The Southern Fried Scientist of southernfriedscience.com asks "is Wal-mart Hearted?" starting a discussion about Wal-Mart's new sustainability practices.
Susanna a.k.a. Cheap Like Me is celebrating the holidays with a “12 Days of Christmas” series on the abundances of her kitchen and garden.
Here is the? Best Green Tweet(s) of the week. (get tweeting folks!)
SallyKneidel Exposure in the womb to a widely used chemical leads to less masculine play in young boys. http://sallykneidel.com/?p=947
More Carnival of the Green:
TreeHugger to Bring You Carnival of the Green
Last Week - Go Greener Australia
Next Week - EcoJoe's