I Think I Can, I Think I Can!

The Little Engine That Could

For many years high speed rail has been only a dream for most Americans, but that dream is slowly gaining momentum. Thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) several high-speed rail projects will now have funds to complete their projects. If you read the full list of Recovery Act High Speed Rail Awards the last line item is 'Investments for high-speed and intercity passenger rail planning studies in Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, New Mexico, Vermont and West Virginia'. Yes, it's a grant for high-speed rail feasibility study, but that's a start.

How long does it take to go from a feasibility study to a completed rail project? Years, certainly. That assumes connecting Colorado, New Mexico and Texas with a high speed rail line is practical. In the meantime, rail projects in Florida, Texas and the Northeastern U.S. will demonstrate either success or potential pitfalls of bullet trains in America.

More Info:

President Obama, Vice President Biden to Announce $8 Billion for High-Speed Rail Projects Across the Country

Recovery Act High Speed Rail Awards - Full List

Superfast Bullet Trains Are Finally Coming to the U.S.

American High Speed Rail Alliance

High Speed Rail from Texas to Colorado